
Alan Bateman Alan.Bateman at
Wed Sep 16 10:27:11 UTC 2015

On 14/09/2015 20:21, Stuart McCulloch wrote:
> Yes, the issue is that ToolProvider.getSystemJavaCompiler() is returning null when using the Jigsaw EA with Maven.
> AFAICT this is because it’s now using the service loader mechanism which is influenced by the Thread’s context ClassLoader
> The following patch to make sure Maven uses the system context when looking up the compiler appears to solve the issue:
Just to follow-up on this one, the bug in ToolProvider has been fixed in 
the jigsaw/jake forest. We should have an updated EA build in the next 
day or two that will pick up this fix.

Thanks again for the mails on this, it's good to have found this one early.


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