trouble with java -Xpatch

Michael Rasmussen michael.rasmussen at
Mon Apr 4 11:09:51 UTC 2016

So in order to patch any of the well-known preloaded classes, I will need
to prepatch them, put them in a folder/jar, and then need to ask the user
to specify the -Xpatch jvm option, seeing as I don't have the option to
neither patch them via CFLH, nor add -Xpatch myself from jvmti?

If that is the case, that is a significant setback from Java8...


On 4 April 2016 at 13:57, Alan Bateman <Alan.Bateman at> wrote:
> On 04/04/2016 11:31, Michael Rasmussen wrote:
>> Hi Alan
>> Finally had time today to do some testing of can_generate_early_vmstart.
>> Can you elaborate on which classes I should be able to patch using CFLH
>> with early_vmstart enabled? From the quick testing I did, it appears that
>> most of the core java.lang classes do not generate CFLH events? For
>> instance java.lang.Class or java.lang.reflect.Method.
>> A quick comparison with Java8, there are about 100 classes that do not
>> generate CFLH events.
> These are classes that are preloaded by VM in the primordial phase. You'll
> see a list in systemDictionary.hpp but don't use that list for anything as
> it highly implementation specific and could change at any time.
> -Alan.

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