JEP-238 & JEP-261 Coexistence

Alan Bateman Alan.Bateman at
Wed Apr 6 10:34:23 UTC 2016

On 06/04/2016 11:17, Richard Opalka wrote:
> Hi Experts,
>    I expected if users provide 'multirelease' jar file with 
> modules-info.class
> placed in its META-INF/versions/9 folder would work without problems.
> But I'm getting:
> Caused by: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: META-INF.versions.9: 
> Invalid package name:  Illegal character at index 4
> instead. Does it mean JEP238 and JEP-261 cannot coexist?
There isn't any support yet for modular JAR as multi-release JARs. It's 
tracked as JDK-8146486 with the main question being whether the compiled 
module declaration can be in the META-INF/versions tree or not.

As things stand then a JAR file that does not have a module-info.class 
in the top level directory is assumed to be an automatic module so this 
is why it barps when trying to determine a package name from 

BTW: Just looking at the contents of your JAR file then it looks like 
this is the EE version of the Common Annotations. In that case you 
shouldn't need a multi-release JAR. Instead you should be able to put 
the module-info.class in the top level directory and deploy it on the 
upgrade module path.


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