hg: jigsaw/jake: Tied modules: record hashes of modules that depend upon the module being

mandy.chung at oracle.com mandy.chung at oracle.com
Sat Apr 9 06:42:48 UTC 2016

Changeset: c1c0a1fdde90
Author:    mchung
Date:      2016-04-08 23:42 -0700
URL:       http://hg.openjdk.java.net/jigsaw/jake/rev/c1c0a1fdde90

Tied modules: record hashes of modules that depend upon the module being
created directly and indirectly.  Hashes of jdk modules except upgradeable
modules and modules transitively depending on them are recorded in java.base.

! .jcheck/conf
! make/CreateJmods.gmk
! make/Main.gmk

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