RFR: 8078820: Test deploying a XML parser as a module

huizhe wang huizhe.wang at oracle.com
Wed Apr 20 05:53:48 UTC 2016

On 4/19/2016 12:06 AM, Alan Bateman wrote:
> On 18/04/2016 21:48, huizhe wang wrote:
>> Frank, Alan,
>> We recently discussed several issues[1] related to jaxp's 
>> provider-lookup. All of them are currently deferred to until 
>> JDK-8132026 is addressed. I have a feeling we might have a quite 
>> different provider-lookup procedure in the JDK 9 / Jigsaw, and we'd 
>> have to go through a spec change. I therefore think we might want to 
>> postpone this test and make it one to cover such a spec change. What 
>> would you think?
> I think we should fix JDK-8015099 (a long standing bug)

yes, it is. I may look at it again, but I wished a single patch to cover 
all scenarios.

> and also see if we can fix SAX to use ServiceLoader (JDK-8152912). I 
> wouldn't expect either of these to be require re-work later.

Daniel made a good point in the ccc discussion for JDK-8152912, that is, 
maybe we'd update the procedure in favor of more modern alternatives 
(passing a Layer, or ordering/prioritizing the service providers). I was 
therefore envisioning a single spec change /CCC to cover all scenarios. 
It may be easier with the CCC process. I currently have a couple smaller 
CCCs pending that end up blocking the plan for a further change.  Also 
we could then use or update Frank's test to cover these changes than 
have three separate unit tests.

I can start a separate thread to discuss the lookup procedure.


> -Alan

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