Issue with an automatic module

Paul Benedict pbenedict at
Tue Aug 2 07:53:53 UTC 2016

Charbel, have you looked into the Maven Shade Plugin? I wonder if you could
shade what's in the unnamed package so as to put it in some other named


On Tue, Aug 2, 2016 at 2:21 AM, charbel yazbeck <charbel_yazbeck at
> wrote:

> hi,
> most of the open sources jars  have classes with unnamed package, like
> nar-maven-plugin.
> Any idea how can i solve this? Do i have to implement my own version of
> ModuleFinder?
> Some examples:  D:\.m2\jdom\jdom\1.0\jdom-1.0.jar,
> D:\.m2\net\java\dev\javacc\javacc\5.0\javacc-5.0.jar,
> D:\.m2\hsqldb\hsqldb\\hsqldb-
> thank you
> ________________________________
> De : Alan Bateman <Alan.Bateman at>
> Envoyé : lundi 1 août 2016 22:00
> À : charbel yazbeck; jigsaw-dev at
> Objet : Re: Issue with an automatic module
> On 01/08/2016 12:01, charbel yazbeck wrote:
> hi
> I was just trying the following sample:
>         ModuleFinder finder = ModuleFinder.of(path);   //path points to
> the location of a jar with an unnamed module
>         finder.findAll().forEach(System.out::println);
> I see nar-maven-plugin-3.0.0.jar has a class HelpMojo.class, do you know
> if this is supposed to be in this JAR file?
> In any case, it is as I said, named modules can not contain types in the
> unnamed package so this is why ModuleFinder fails. In this javadoc where it
> describes automatic it has the following "If a .class file that corresponds
> to a class in an unnamed package is encountered then FindException is
> thrown."
> -Alan

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