javac, modular builds mixed with some gradle.
David Hill
David.Hill at
Tue Aug 23 22:54:43 UTC 2016
On 8/23/16, 5:14 PM, Malachi de Ælfweald wrote:
> Do you get the same behavior if you eliminate the wildcard from the module-source-path?
It is not quite a wildcard exactly. Not sure what you want to call it, but javac looks for the * as the word that contains the module name.
> Malachi de Ælfweald
> On Tue, Aug 23, 2016 at 1:57 PM, David Hill <David.Hill at <mailto:David.Hill at>> wrote:
> I am trying to understand module compilation using a trivial set of classes. These comprise a "module" of two classes, a test class, and a "shim" test class. (The shim is an adapter used for 'white box' style tests).
> On top of this, I am trying this with Gradle 3.
> So far, I have made some interesting progress. For the "simple" case, Gradle 3 seems to be handling the required tasks nicely. A 'simple' module and set of public api test classes works without much effort. Certainly Gradle has a few more fixes to go, for example its insistence on stuffing
> -sourcepath /some/empty/directory
> in some compilations, which collides with my addition of --module-source-path
> Mostly however, I have just be able to tack on additional JDK 9 arguments.
> I am currently trying to understand how I can best compile my shim classes. In my current build, I perform a non-modular build of the module classes, and then the shim classes, and then combine the sum of them together and call it a module :-) This is a stopgap until we can rework to create a proper modular build.
> The item that currently puzzles me is an invocation of javac (b132) with a list of a single file to be compiled that ends up compiling everything within the module-source-path. I would have expected that only the listed files would be compiled. Below is the extracted compile line (with -sourcepath removed).
> Any thoughts or suggestions are welcome.
> Anyone else interested in my Gradle module quickstart demo let me know off list and I will point you to a copy when I get past this hump.
> /Users/ddhill/shared/jdk9/osx-x64/jdk-9.jdk/Contents/Home//bin/javac -verbose \
> -d \
> /Users/ddhill/shared/gradle/module-quickstart/modules/dave/build/classes/shims \
> -g \
> -release \
> 9 \
> --module-path /Users/ddhill/shared/gradle/module-quickstart/modules/dave/build/classes/main/dave \
> --add-modules dave \
> --module-source-path '/Users/ddhill/shared/gradle/module-quickstart/modules/*/src/{main,test}/{java,module-info}' \
> -classpath \
> /Users/ddhill/shared/gradle/module-quickstart/modules/dave/build/classes/test:/Users/ddhill/shared/gradle/module-quickstart/modules/dave/build/resources/test:/Users/ddhill/shared/gradle/module-quickstart/modules/dave/build/classes/main:/Users/ddhill/shared/gradle/module-quickstart/modules/dave/build/resources/main:/Users/ddhill/.gradle/caches/modules-2/files-2.1/junit/junit/4.12/2973d150c0dc1fefe998f834810d68f278ea58ec/junit-4.12.jar:/Users/ddhill/.gradle/caches/modules-2/files-2.1/org.hamcrest/hamcrest-core/1.3/42a25dc3219429f0e5d060061f71acb49bf010a0/hamcrest-core-1.3.jar \
> /Users/ddhill/shared/gradle/module-quickstart/modules/dave/src/test/java/org/dave/ \
> -XDuseUnsharedTable=true
> and yet the result is more classes than the ListShim that was listed:
> [ddhill module-quickstart]$ find /Users/ddhill/shared/gradle/module-quickstart/modules/dave/build/classes/shims
> /Users/ddhill/shared/gradle/module-quickstart/modules/dave/build/classes/shims
> /Users/ddhill/shared/gradle/module-quickstart/modules/dave/build/classes/shims/dave
> /Users/ddhill/shared/gradle/module-quickstart/modules/dave/build/classes/shims/dave/module-info.class
> /Users/ddhill/shared/gradle/module-quickstart/modules/dave/build/classes/shims/dave/org
> /Users/ddhill/shared/gradle/module-quickstart/modules/dave/build/classes/shims/dave/org/dave
> /Users/ddhill/shared/gradle/module-quickstart/modules/dave/build/classes/shims/dave/org/dave/List.class
> /Users/ddhill/shared/gradle/module-quickstart/modules/dave/build/classes/shims/dave/org/dave/ListShim.class
> /Users/ddhill/shared/gradle/module-quickstart/modules/dave/build/classes/shims/dave/org/dave/Person.class
> --
> David Hill<David.Hill at>
> Java Embedded Development
> "A man's feet should be planted in his country, but his eyes should survey the world."
> -- George Santayana (1863 - 1952)
David Hill<David.Hill at>
Java Embedded Development
"A man's feet should be planted in his country, but his eyes should survey the world."
-- George Santayana (1863 - 1952)
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