Java 9 build 148 causes trouble in Apache Lucene/Solr/Elasticsearch

Alan Bateman Alan.Bateman at
Sun Dec 11 11:16:33 UTC 2016

On 10/12/2016 17:11, Chris Hegarty wrote:
> :
> How about: Unsafe::deallocate(ByteBuffer directBuffer)?
The alternative is of course:

ByteBuffer wrap(long address, int capacity)
void unmap(MappedByteBuffer)

The wrap method allow be similar to JNI's NewDirectByteBuffer for those 
that are managing the underlying memory themselves. This makes it a more 
advanced method to avoid too much temptation to free the memory 
underlying a buffer created with ByteBuffer.allocateDirect. We can't do 
much with unmap but that at least won't be widely used.


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