RFR 8130302: jarsigner and keytool -providerClass needs be re-examined for modules

Alan Bateman Alan.Bateman at oracle.com
Fri Feb 19 08:42:03 UTC 2016

On 19/02/2016 08:22, Wang Weijun wrote:
> A new webrev at
>     http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~weijun/8130302/webrev.01/
> The options for keytool have
>   -provider <name> [-providerArg <arg>]        add a provider by name
>   -providerclass <class> [-providerArg <arg>]  add a provider by classname
> (omit some words because line is too long)
> for jarsigner
>    [-provider <name>           add a security provider by a provider name
>      [-providerArg <arg>]] ... configure argument for -provider
>    [-providerClass <class>     add a security provider by a fully-qualified classname
>      [-providerArg <arg>]] ... configure argument for -providerClass
> In the test AltProvider.java, I compiled 2 classes (DummyProvider and module-info) for a new module and they manually create the modulepath directory. Is there a more formal way to do that?
Thanks, this looks quite good. If the usage output "add a provider by 
name" had something like "e.g. SunPKCS11" or other example name then I 
think it would be clearer.

A minor annoyance but the list of providers (and provide classes) is a 
maintained in jarsigner as a Vector, any reason why this can't be a List?


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