modulepath and classpath mixture

Alan Bateman Alan.Bateman at
Wed Feb 24 20:46:43 UTC 2016

On 24/02/2016 19:12, Robert Scholte wrote:
> Hmm, would have been nice if I had known about these discussions, 
> because I don't think that this is a valid assumption from a Maven 
> perspective. Ideally developers simply add files to 
> the source-roots of their choice and Maven should be able to construct 
> the correct set of javac arguments.
> I don't expect developers to open a jar to see if there's a 
> module-info available. Actually, how can he figure out the module 
> name, since the module-info is a compiled file?
One way is `jar --file foo.jar -p`. That will print the module 
descriptor when the JAR file is a modular JAR. There is API support for 
reading the binary form of the module declaration too.


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