RFR 8141609: Need test for jrtfs that runs on JDK 8 to target a JDK 9 image

Felix Yang felix.yang at oracle.com
Thu Feb 25 10:21:13 UTC 2016

On 2016/2/25 15:45, Alan Bateman wrote:
> On 24/02/2016 04:01, Felix Yang wrote:
>> Jon and Alan,
>>      thanks a lot for this comment. Fixed it in new webrev:
>> http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~xiaofeya/8141609/webrev.01/
> I think JrtfsJarTest will also need to check the `release` file in 
> $JDK8_HOME to check that it's a JDK 8 release. Its a properties file 
> so should be easy. I bring this up because I'm not sure that we can 
> guarantee that JT_JAVA is a JDK 8 build.
This has been checked at beginning of JrtfsTestMain. It will quit 
silently if not launched with a JDK 8.  But, it looks checking 'release' 
file is a more light weight solution. I will adjust it. Hope its format 
is identical for all releases.

> On JrtfsTestMain then it looks like it's a copy of the jrtfs 
> Basic.java test. I wonder if we should strip it down a bit to make it 
> easier to maintain. I don't object to pushing the test as in into jake 
> but there will be some clean-up required.
If you don't mind, how about abstract a super class for "Basic"? Basic 
is a testng test rather than plain java app.

> -Alan

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