Package, import and type declarations are allowed now in by spec

Alex Buckley alex.buckley at
Fri Feb 26 18:26:03 UTC 2016

On 2/26/2016 8:37 AM, Georgiy Rakov wrote:
> current spec [1] now contains following assertions related to grammar:
>     A compilation unit (JLS 7.3) may contain a module declaration, in
>     which case the filename of the compilation unit is typically
>     ||.
>     CompilationUnit:
>        [PackageDeclaration] {ImportDeclaration} {TypeDeclaration}
>        ModuleDeclaration
> These assertions allows to specify any of import, package or type
> declarations in any compilation unit, for instance is
> allowed to contain any of the mentioned declarations. However currently
> javac in the latest jigsaw build [2] reports an error on such cases
> provided they are compiled in module mode. For example if we have
> following directory structure:
>     mod\
>     module mod {
>          exports pkg;
>     }
>     mod\pkg\
>     package pkg;
>     class C {
>     }
> then compiling it by following command line with javac from [2]:
>     javac -modulesourcepath . mod\ mod\pkg\
> causes following output:
>     mod\pkg\ error: expected 'module'
>     package pkg;
>     ^
>     1 error

javac is merely choosing to implement the rule at the end of JLS 7.6 
that a type declaration (optionally preceded by package/import 
declarations) must be provided in a suitably named file.

Perhaps I should say "a variant of the rule" because 7.6 as written 
concerns a public type and your example has a package-access type. 
Still, bottom line, javac is free to require that a compilation unit 
which starts with a package declaration _must not_ be in a file called -- the hyphen indicates a name that can't possibly align 
with the type declared in the compilation unit.

The error message for mod\pkg\ could be a bit more 
helpful, but that's a quality-of-implementation detail.

Conversely, a compilation unit that contains a module declaration _may_ 
be in a file called, or in a file called, 
or in a file called mod_decl.JAV. The "typically" in [1] is meant to 
indicate that the sub-clause on filename is non-normative. This is akin 
to how a compilation unit that contains a package-access type 
declaration for class C _may_ be in a file


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