jrtfs supports forwarding to a jrtfs in a target VM

Sundararajan Athijegannathan sundararajan.athijegannathan at oracle.com
Thu Jan 7 12:29:23 UTC 2016


Cross JDK support for jrt file system has been added.


With this change, jrt file system supports the following modes:

1. A tool running on JDK 8 can access a JDK 9 run-time image.
2. A tool running on JDK 9 can access its own run-time image.
3. A tool on JDK 9 can access a *different* JDK 9 run-time image - 
perhaps a jlink produced image with fewer modules in it.
Target JDK's home directory is specified via "java.home" property in Map 
passed to FileSystems.newFileSystem(URI, Map) method.


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