Concealed vs Sealed

Alan Bateman Alan.Bateman at
Sun Jan 10 19:56:23 UTC 2016

On 10/01/2016 15:59, Paul Benedict wrote:
> What is the difference between these two? Sealed means closed or unable to
> be opened; concealed means hidden. I am familiar with sealed jars but what
> is a concealed module? I keep seeing "concealed" in commits and just wonder
> if that's a typo or a new feature.
In a module then the packages that aren't exported are known as 
concealed packages. If you look at the ModuleDescriptor API then you see 
it defines methods to get the set of the exported packages, concealed 
packages or all packages.

There isn't really any connection to the legacy notion of sealed 
packages except to say that packages in named modules are inherently sealed.


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