module-info class format specification

Ess Kay s.2016.kay at
Sun Jan 31 07:07:11 UTC 2016

> Are jigsaw related changes to the JVM specification documented anywhere?
Sorry - found it.

Pity module-info doesn't extend Object (i.e. have non-zero super_class
index) as does package-info.class.  It will (needlessly?) create extra
special case processing for utilities which read class files.  Not sure
what it gains other than reducing module-info.class size slightly.

On Sun, Jan 31, 2016 at 3:25 PM, Ess Kay <s.2016.kay at> wrote:

> Are jigsaw related changes to the JVM specification documented
> anywhere?  E.g. module-info has the new ACC_MODULE flag, the new
> Module attribute and differs from a normal class by having no
> superclass.

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