No jrt-fs.jar in JRE?

Alan Bateman Alan.Bateman at
Tue Jul 5 06:47:15 UTC 2016

On 25/06/2016 06:07, Jayaprakash Arthanareeswaran wrote:

> :
> I just downloaded the latest JDK and found the modules file along with 
> jmod/*.jmod. Is this to remain?
> My experiment to use the jrt-fs.jar from the JDK to load the system 
> classes in JRE failed. May be I am not
> doing something right. Is that even supposed to work if I done the 
> right way?
The .jmod files that you see in the JDK download are the packaged 
modules. If you aren't doing anything with jlink then you should ignore 
this directory.

I think your question is about the JRE download as it does not have 
jrt-fs.jar and so cannot be targeted by a tool running on JDK 8 or JDK 
9. This is JDK-8153079 [1] where the main question is whether the JRE 
and other runtime images created by jlink should have jrt-fs.jar so that 
they can be targeted by tools (`javac -system ...` for example). This is 
something that needs to be examined soon. I assume you don't have any 
issues with the JDK download as it has jrt-fs.jar and so Eclipse running 
on JDK 8 or JDK 9 should not have any issues targeting a JDK 9 build - 
is that right?



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