Jlink and automatic module

Alan Bateman Alan.Bateman at oracle.com
Mon Jul 11 06:10:00 UTC 2016

On 10/07/2016 22:41, Remi Forax wrote:

> Hi Antoine,
> you were sleeping during my presentation at last Devoxx FR :)
> The issue is that an automatic jar can access to the classpath while a modular jar can not,
> so if jlink allows automatic modules, you may have surprising NoClassDefNotError at runtime ruining the whole idea of jigsaw.
Right, automatic modules are for migration and bridging to the class 
path when some, but not all, components have been migrated to modules. 
Creating a custom run-time image with jlink, on the other hand, is 
really only possible when all the needed components have been migrated 
to modules. That is, one should be able to compute the transitive 
closure and link those modules into a run-time image. So I think Antoine 
has jumped a few steps and that there are components that need to 
recompiled as modules first.


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