Should setAccessible be part of Java or not? (was Re: It's not too late for access control)

Alan Bateman Alan.Bateman at
Thu Jul 14 21:24:02 UTC 2016

On 14/07/2016 21:20, Jochen Theodorou wrote:
> What I would wish for at this moment is a document explaining the 
> runtime aspects of the module system, including limitations reflection 
> and normal method calls, as well as things like layers / runtime 
> generated modules - as well as the methods to be used to create and 
> change these. I don´t anything JLS ready here and just the behaviour 
> of the one of the latest releases is also good. I cannot give feedback 
> on a design I do not know. Because maybe some frameworks are content 
> with the compile time side of this, I am not.
Jochen - have you worked through the documents, slides and recordings 
that are linked from the main Project Jigsaw page [1]?

I know in other threads we we alluded to slides on how 
Nashorn/Javascript has been updated to work with modules (and spin 
modules at runtime). I realize Groovy is different but I think we should 
do this as it may be useful to other language implementers too.



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