#ModuleAnnotations - some thoughts and an alternative implementation

Alan Bateman Alan.Bateman at oracle.com
Mon Jul 18 12:20:51 UTC 2016

On 18/07/2016 13:10, Peter Levart wrote:

> It is simpler, yes, but feels like overkill to create new class loader 
> and transform and load a class in order to just parse annotations from 
> it...
Sure but I think it would be better things very simple for now because 
so many things are in flux. Also as I said in the fist reply, the 
approach is what the initial/prototype implementation was but moved to 
the simpler approach for that reason. No objection to look at this again 
in the future of course but for now then I think we have to keep the 
implementation really easy to spin.

> This was just to simplify changes in 
> sun.reflect.generics.factory.CoreReflectionFactory (used by 
> AnnotationParser) which takes a GenericDeclaration. But it is odd to 
> have a useless method that always returns an empty array, so a variant 
> is to implement just AnnotatedElement and have an explicit Module 
> field in CoreReflectionFactory:
Okay, I just curious about that as it seems unnecessary.


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