Weakness of "requires public"

Alex Buckley alex.buckley at oracle.com
Tue Jul 26 21:58:53 UTC 2016

On 7/26/2016 2:50 PM, Paul Benedict wrote:
> Okay, I accept your scenario for what it is. You created a very nice
> example to illustrate your point where everything must be one, but
> you know not every project is like this. The whole discussion with
> Joda Time was based on having additional functionality from classes
> which were optional at runtime. I am raising the issue that
> transitive dependencies are also sometimes optional at runtime. Where
> is the relief for this scenario? It doesn't exist -- but it should.

The #CompileTimeDependences proposal allows transitive dependencies to
be optional at run time. It's the 'requires public static ...' use case.


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