Proposals for some open JPMS issues

mark.reinhold at mark.reinhold at
Tue Jun 28 21:47:48 UTC 2016

FYI, I've just posted proposals for some of the open issues in the
draft JPMS specification, including:

  #ModuleAnnotations and #ModuleDeprecation
  #ResourceEncapsulation and #ClassFilesAsResources

Links to the proposals are available in the issue summary [1].

Comments and discussion are welcome here on jigsaw-dev but, as usual,
the best way to ensure that the EG sees any specific comment is to
send it to the EG's "suggestion box" list, jpms-spec-comments [2].

If you comment on one of these proposals, via any channel, please
include the hashtag of the relevant issue(s) in the subject line of
your message, to simplify tracking.  Thanks!

- Mark


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