Need help testing the EA builds

Stephen Felts stephen.felts at
Wed Mar 2 16:29:39 UTC 2016

Yes, you are correct.  The rt.jar change and the classloading changes have caused many of these tools problems.  I should have tried to separate the Jake from non-Jake problems.
I've also been entering bugs where possible.  I entered them for gradle, jython, eclipselink, and findbugs for tools outside Oracle.

Using upgrade, module, and patch files is clearly Jake as are the need to use exports.
Jmockit and Simplestub are I think partly related to Jake but it's hard to tell until we figure out the full problem.
Passing information to the Gradle daemon is Jake related (separate from the junit problem).

-----Original Message-----
From: Alan Bateman 
Sent: Wednesday, March 02, 2016 11:13 AM
To: Stephen Felts; jigsaw-dev
Subject: Re: Need help testing the EA builds

On 02/03/2016 15:26, Stephen Felts wrote:
> This will be a significant problem for a lot of people with respect to tools not working.
> Gradle junit - basic problem fixed in upcoming release Jython Ant - 
> certain cases with classloader JDT - doesn't work at all Asm - never 
> tracked down issue Jmockit Simplestub
For some of the tools/libraries that you list then I assume the issues aren't specific to the module system or other changes in the jigsaw/jake forest. Instead I assume that at least some of the issues are due to the restructuring of the  JDK run-time image (JEP 220). We knew this would be a disruptive change so this is one of the reasons it went into JDK 9 very early (in late 2014) and give the tools as much time as possible.

I see for Jython that you have an issue in their issue tracker for this.

Jayaprakash Arthanareeswaran has been on this list a few times and might be able to say a few words about JDT. I've read several articles about beta versions working with JDK 9 and it appears that good progress has been made.


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