jlink and automatic modules

Alan Bateman Alan.Bateman at oracle.com
Fri Mar 4 08:10:58 UTC 2016

On 03/03/2016 16:04, Sander Mak wrote:
> :
> Thanks, that explains it.
> The difference in behavior between the two modulepaths threw me off for a bit. Whether it's the right thing to do almost sounds more like a philosophical rather than a technical discussion?
Automatic modules are for migration and so may have references to types 
on the class path. If an automatic module is linked into a run-time 
image then it could result in dangling references or maybe a DOA 
run-time image unless used with -cp. The other thing is the optimizers 
and transformers that execute at link-time as they wouldn't have a 
"whole world" view. I think these are the main areas that need to be 
pondered before deciding whether to allow this or not.


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