Need help testing the EA builds

Alan Bateman Alan.Bateman at
Mon Mar 7 11:17:56 UTC 2016

On 07/03/2016 09:38, Dmitry Samersoff wrote:
> Volker,
> Currently tmtools (jstack, jmap, jinfo, ... ) has two modes of
> operations - one is cooperative (attach API based) other one is
> non-cooperative (SA based).
> Long term plan is completely separate these two modes, with jhsdb as the
> only entry point to SA.
> This work is partially done - SA based mode is accessible via jhsdb.
> But removal of SA based functions from existing tools has huge
> compatibility impact (e.g. no more mixed stacktrace from jstack etc) and
> can't be done at one shot.
> Nothing besides tmtools depends to SA i.e. jcmd it self doesn't depend
> to SA.
We can address the AIX build issue by moving the `requires` to a file so that the module declaration is augmented 
in the build on platforms that have SA. This build tool is mostly for 
adding qualified exports and providers so we'll need to double check 
that it works with `requires`. If there is an issue then a workaround is 
to remove the requires and change the launcher builds to generate the 
launchers with -addmods ALL-SYSTEM.

That said, I think we need to push ahead on the separation. The legacy 
tools have always been documented as experimental and unsupported and it 
shouldn't be a huge transition for someone using `jstack -m <vmid>` to 
use the jhsdb equivalent. I don't know what tmtools is, where is the 
code for this?


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