Ant break

Alan Bateman Alan.Bateman at
Mon Mar 7 16:59:58 UTC 2016

On 07/03/2016 16:41, Stephen Felts wrote:
> I'm seeing a problem using ant that I suspect is related to the classloading.  I think it came in build 107 or 108.
This may be issue caused by the Multi-Release JAR file support that went 
into jdk-9+108. Uwe Schindler brought this up on core-libs-dev over the 
week and is currently tracked as JDK-8151339 [1]. Assuming you are 
seeing the same issue then the proposal is to disable or revert the 
change MR JAR support until the issues with URLs can be resolved. This 
may happen today in order to make it into jdk-9+109.



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