Automatic module names

Sander Mak sander.mak at
Wed Mar 9 20:14:15 UTC 2016

> So if commons-collections-4.0.0.jar is dropped into the module path, is the
> module name "commons.collections.4.0.0"?

I was wondering about this as well, played around a bit with this yesterday:

- hamcrest-core -> hamcrest.core
- hamcrest-^-core -> hamcrest.core
- hamcrest-core-1.0 -> hamcrest.core
- hamcrest-core-1.0a.b -> hamcrest.core
- hamcrest-1.2a-core -> couldn't figure out what name it is mangled into
- hamcrest-core-1.0 & hamcrest-core-1.1 on module path  -> duplicate module error

Not going to speculate on the actual algorithm...

-- Sander

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