modulepath and classpath mixture

Alan Bateman Alan.Bateman at
Thu Mar 17 20:23:25 UTC 2016

On 17/03/2016 19:51, Robert Scholte wrote:
> :
> To me it seems like the need for knowing the module name keeps returning.
> This increases the need for a proper implementation of the 
> maven-compiler-plugin as a multirelease JAR.
> The pattern as shown during FOSDEM showed that the idea works, but it 
> is not solid enough.
> And the next question would be: can Maven (or actually Plexus 
> ClassWorld) handle this?
> I'll need to work out the things to be done and try to get more Maven 
> developers involved.
Would it you take it from the source module-info.class or the compiled 
module-info.class? The former would require a small parser. The latter 
is not difficult with ASM.


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