RFR: 8152641: Plugin to generate BMH$Species classes ahead-of-time
Peter Levart
peter.levart at gmail.com
Sat Mar 26 11:47:22 UTC 2016
Hi Claes, Mandy,
On 03/25/2016 03:58 PM, Claes Redestad wrote:
> Hi,
> On 2016-03-25 11:11, Peter Levart wrote:
>> Hi Claes, Mandy,
>> On 03/25/2016 02:51 AM, Mandy Chung wrote:
>>> Hi Claes,
>>> This is a good interesting work to generate
>>> BoundMethodHandle$Species_* classes at link time. This will save
>>> the class generation time. Instead of Class.forName, you may want
>>> to have a class (similar to SystemModules [1]) that will be updated
>>> at link time so that BoundMethodHandle can reference it statically
>>> to determine what species are generated at link time and even return
>>> statically Class<?> of the generated class.
>> You may still want to load this classes lazily when needed. Otherwise
>> the BMH.CLASS_CACHE could simply be pre-populated with name ->
>> Class<?> entries at appropriate early time.
> I think laziness is a good property here, since it won't penalize
> modular applications that choose to instruct jlink to pregenerate a
> lot of BMH classes.
> Perhaps we can allow for static resolve + lazy classload by emitting a
> switch equivalent to:
> switch (types) {
> case "LL":
> return Species_LL.class;
> case "L3":
> return Species_L3.class;
> ..
> default:
> return generateBMHSpeciesClass(types);
> }
Comparing this with proposed code from webrev:
493 try {
494 return (Class<? extends
495 Class.forName("java.lang.invoke.BoundMethodHandle$Species_" +
496 } catch (ClassNotFoundException cnf) {
497 // Not pregenerated, generate the class
498 return generateConcreteBMHClass(types);
499 }
...note that the function passed to CLASS_CACHE.computeIfAbsent is
executed just once per distinct 'types' argument. Even if you put the
generated switch between a call to getConcreteBMHClass and
CLASS_CACHE.computeIfAbsent, getConcreteBMHClass(String types) is
executed just once per distinct 'types' argument (except in rare
occasions when VM can not initialize the loaded class).
In this respect a successful Class.forName() is not any worse than
static resolving. It's just that unsuccessful Class.forName() represents
some overhead for classes that are not pre-generated. So an alternative
way to get rid of that overhead is to have a HashSet of 'types' strings
for pre-generated classes at hand in order to decide whether to call
Class.forName or generateConcreteBMHClass.
What's easier to support is another question.
Regards, Peter
>>> About CNFE, the new Class.forName(Module, String) method does not
>>> throw CNFE that you could use instead (if not static reference as
>>> suggested above). If not found, it will return null.
> Thanks, this one had passed under my radar. :-)
>>> This plugin accesses the non-public methods in BoundMethodHandle
>>> and has to invoke it via reflection. With module boundary enforced
>>> now, maybe we could consider moving to some internal package to
>>> share with this jlink plugin.
>>> I think there are tests needed to be updated when a new plugin is
>>> added.
>>> Mandy
>>> [1]
>>> http://hg.openjdk.java.net/jdk9/dev/jdk/file/3abd25870915/src/java.base/share/classes/jdk/internal/module/SystemModules.java
>> One thing to consider is the following: the names of the classes obey
>> a particular convention which is now hardcoded in two places: the
>> BoundMethodHandle and the GenerateBMHClassesPlugin. You could have a
>> method with the following signature in BoundMethodHandle$Factory:
>> Map.Entry<String, byte[]> generateConcreteBMHClassBytes(String types)
>> ...which would also return the name of the class derived from the
>> types which you would then use to derive the path of the .class file
>> in the module of the image. Also, this method - although
>> package-private becomes part of the API and that should be written in
>> a comment.
>> What do you think?
> Definitely should add a comment about generateConcreteBMHClassBytes
> being an internal API used by the plugin.
> I'm open to the idea of moving static utility code to some internal
> package, but want to hear what maintainers of java.lang.invoke think
> about factoring out utility code like this.
> Thanks!
> /Claes
>> Regards, Peter
>>>> On Mar 24, 2016, at 6:42 AM, Claes Redestad
>>>> <claes.redestad at oracle.com> wrote:
>>>> Hi,
>>>> please review this patch which add an enabled-by-default plugin to
>>>> generate a
>>>> configurable list of BoundMethodHandle$Species_*-classes using jlink.
>>>> Bug: https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8152641
>>>> Webrev: http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~redestad/8152641/webrev.01/
>>>> This plugin adds the --generate-bmh flag to jlink, which takes a
>>>> comma-separated list of shortened species type strings.
>>>> As an example: --generate-bmh LL,L3,L4 will generate
>>>> BoundMethodHandle$Species_LL, ...$Species_L3 and ...$Species_L4 and
>>>> add
>>>> them to the java.base module.
>>>> The Species class lookup in BoundMethodHandle will first check if
>>>> there is a
>>>> generated class, otherwise generate it as previously. Adding an
>>>> exceptional
>>>> path might seem problematic, but as the code generation is
>>>> magnitudes more
>>>> expensive than the exception it doesn't seem fruitful to go to
>>>> lengths to avoid
>>>> the CNFE.
>>>> More notes along with some results can be found here:
>>>> http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~redestad/scratch/bmh_species_gen.txt
>>>> Thanks!
>>>> /Claes
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