Jigsaw + Web Start
Robert Gibson
robbiexgibson at yahoo.com
Tue Mar 29 10:30:26 UTC 2016
> On 29 Mar 2016, at 12:15, Alan Bateman <Alan.Bateman at oracle.com> wrote:
>> On 29/03/2016 11:03, Robert Gibson wrote:
>> :
>> Hi Alan,
>> Thanks for your quick reply.
>> Yes, we have code (and depend on libraries) that use, approximately:
>> com.sun.java.swing.plaf
> Are you sure you are using classes in this package directly? The L&F is usually specified as a String.
Our historical preference for compile-time type errors gives rise to code like
if (UIManager.getLookAndFeel() instanceof WindowsLookAndFeel)
[Various other packages snipped]
>> We will at some point get around to re-writing the code that we have control over but would like to have flexibility over when we do this, and not have it as a precondition for upgrading our clients to Java 9. Currently it seems that -XaddExports doesn't have any effect in a JNLP file and I assumed that was a whitelisting issue with VM arguments and Web Start - but maybe it is supposed to work at this point?
> -XaddExports has not been added to the options allowed to be specified with the java-vm-args attribute. It probably should be considered so as to have consistency with the command line (within reason of course, anything allowed to be specified via java-vm-args requires thinking about security).
> -Alan
Like I said, we will get around to rewriting what absolutely needs to be tweaked where we can, but being able to use the escape hatch like a command-line app (along with fixes for 8152838 and 8152839) will allow us to continue our testing.
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