modulepath and classpath mixture
Paul Benedict
pbenedict at
Wed Mar 30 02:47:11 UTC 2016
Russell, when you drop a jar on the classpath, module code will not be able
to access it in a split package situation. That's the big barrier here.
Maven test projects are typically written with the same package shared with
the "main" code.
On Tue, Mar 29, 2016 at 11:33 AM, Russell Gold < at>
> Hi Stephen,
> Why do you need any kind of friend access?
> It seems to me that this is making things harder than they need to be. The
> tests can simply run with the production code on the class path, and then
> there are no module issues at all.
> I think a larger problem is that you can do what I just said with the
> jars, even a jar which has been designated as a module by virtue of having
> a module-info.class in it. That means that, when users are up taking jars,
> they are not prevented from accessing module internals. They can put the
> jars on the module path, of course, but they can still use them on the
> class path!
> - Russ
> >
> > On 28 March 2016 at 11:13, Remi Forax <forax at> wrote:
> >> Hi Stephen, Hi all,
> >> I think that delivering tests as a separated module is a bad idea.
> >>
> >> I see that from the point of a developer, seeing the code and the test
> as different modules can be attractive because everything seems to be put
> at the right place but there is a big drawback. Because modules are reified
> at runtime, it means that the runtime environment of the tests will be
> different from the production environment.
> >
> > This last sentence doesn't make sense to me - tests are not run in a
> > production environment.
> >
> > Tests have all the qualities of modules - code, dependencies,
> > compilation phase, deployment. The only special part is the need for
> > special "friend-like" access, which Jigsaw already has for other cases
> > (the clause).
> >
> > Put simply, I consider that module =
> > deployment-artifact-with-dependencies. With that mental model, putting
> > tests inside the module is just not acceptable, because tests should
> > not be deployed with the main application and they have different
> > dependencies. If we disagree that module =
> > deployment-artifact-with-dependencies, then perhaps we have bigger
> > problems to solve here.
> >
> > Stephen
> > (And to Paul Benedict, the classpath is going to die over time, so any
> > solution that uses that is flawed IMO).
> >
> >
> >> So as Alan said, from the jigsaw point of view at runtime, the tests
> and the code should be in the same module.
> >>
> >> So the building tools have to come with a way to support to have 2
> different in two different folders and package them as one
> module,
> >> maybe javac should help by providing a way to merge 2 module-info at
> compile time.
> >>
> >> Rémi
> >>
> >> ----- Mail original -----
> >>> De: "Alan Bateman" <Alan.Bateman at>
> >>> À: "Stephen Colebourne" <scolebourne at>, "jigsaw-dev" <
> jigsaw-dev at>
> >>> Envoyé: Mercredi 23 Mars 2016 16:18:50
> >>> Objet: Re: modulepath and classpath mixture
> >>>
> >>>
> >>> On 23/03/2016 14:42, Stephen Colebourne wrote:
> >>>> :
> >>>>
> >>>> I don't particularly care what the mechanism is for this, but at the
> >>>> requirements level:
> >>>> - there are two modules - main and test
> >>>> - each has its own source tree
> >>>> - each has its own dependencies
> >>>> - each is released separately
> >>>> - each could be hosted on a central repo
> >>>> - the test module needs to be able to contain the same packages as the
> >>>> main module
> >>>> - the test module needs to be able to invoke package-scoped code in
> >>>> the same package in the main module
> >>>>
> >>>> To clarify further consider 4 modules, A, B, A-test and B-test where B
> >>>> depends on A. Module A-test may have a method foo() that uses package
> >>>> scope to access something in A. Module B-test will depend on A-test
> >>>> and rely on foo() to get access to that internal object.
> >>> To your list, I would add the ability to make use of testing frameworks
> >>> like TestNG and JUnit.
> >>>
> >>> In any case, and as things currently stand, you've got most of the
> >>> above. One differences is that the tests are not a separate module,
> they
> >>> are instead compiled and run in a way that patches the main module. The
> >>> second difference is that they don't have their own module declaration,
> >>> instead the compilation or run augments the dependences with any
> >>> additional dependences that the tests have. As I said, if they tools
> >>> makes it easy then I don't think it's too bad.
> >>>
> >>>>
> >>>> (Note that I view the thread discussion of
> >>>> references to test classes on the classpath as another hack.
> >>>>
> >>> Packages can't be split between modules and classpath so there is no
> >>> support for that.
> >>>
> >>> -Alan
> >>>
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