RFR: 8152641: Plugin to generate BMH$Species classes ahead-of-time

Peter Levart peter.levart at gmail.com
Wed Mar 30 12:21:44 UTC 2016

Hi Claes,

On 03/30/2016 12:53 PM, Claes Redestad wrote:
> Hi,
> I think Class.forName(Module, String) seemed like a nice 
> efficiency/simplicity compromise, but there is some usage of 
> lambdas/method-refs in the Module lookup code, especially for exploded 
> modules (which get exercised during JDK build). Depending on a lambda 
> from code in java.lang.invoke means we fail to bootstrap.
> But hey, we're living in an encapsulated world now, and this is in 
> java.base, so why not go directly to the BootLoader:
> http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~redestad/8152641/webrev.03/
> Since this is what's called from Class.forName(Module, String), the 
> overhead should be even smaller than in your classForNameInModule test.

Good idea.

> If I call this final, will you say "Reviewed"? :-)

Sorry, I don't posses the powers. :-)

I could say "rEVIEWED", but...

In the plugin, the input is shortened speciesTypes strings. What 
guarantees that they really are normalized? For example, If one 
specifies "LLL" as input, it will get expanded into "LLL", the generated 
class will have "_L3" as a name suffix, but you will pack it in the 
image with "_LLL.class" filename suffix.

That's another reason why a method in BoundMethodHandle$Factory with the 
following signature:

Map.Entry<String, byte[]> generateConcreteBMHClassBytes(String types);

...would be a good idea. It would return class bytes and the name of the 
class which you could use to derive the class filename without 
hardcoding the same logic in plugin and in BMH.

You just move the "LambdaForm.shortenSignature(types)" from 
getConcreteBMHClass and className/sourceFile calculation from 
generateConcreteBMHClass down to generateConcreteBMHClassBytes method 
and change the signatures...

Regards, Peter

> /Claes
> PS: The default list of types is generated in a few adhoc tests not 
> part of this patch. I'm considering proposing add support for 
> generating this list at build time. Maybe a JEP called "Build system 
> support for profile-guided optimizations", which could also handle 
> https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8150044
> On 2016-03-30 09:53, Peter Levart wrote:
>> Hi Claes,
>> Sorry, I found a flaw in the benchmark (the regex pattern to split 
>> comma-separated string into substrings was wrong). What the benchmark 
>> did was compare the overheads of a single lookup of a longer class 
>> name containing commas. Here's the corrected result of overheads of 5 
>> unsuccessful lookups:
>> Benchmark (generate)                       (lookup)  Mode  Cnt 
>> Score     Error  Units
>> ClassForNameBench.classForName LL,LLL,LLLL,LLLLL,LLLLLL  
>> LLI,LLLI,LLLLI,LLLLLI,LLLLLLI  avgt 10  29627.141 ± 567.427  ns/op
>> ClassForNameBench.classForNameInModule LL,LLL,LLLL,LLLLL,LLLLLL  
>> LLI,LLLI,LLLLI,LLLLLI,LLLLLLI  avgt 10   1073.256 ±  23.794  ns/op
>> ClassForNameBench.hashSetContains LL,LLL,LLLL,LLLLL,LLLLLL  
>> LLI,LLLI,LLLLI,LLLLLI,LLLLLLI  avgt 10     33.022 ±   0.066  ns/op
>> ClassForNameBench.switchStatement LL,LLL,LLLL,LLLLL,LLLLLL  
>> LLI,LLLI,LLLLI,LLLLLI,LLLLLLI  avgt 10     38.498 ±   5.842  ns/op
>> ...overheads are a little bigger (x5 approx.).
>> Here's the corrected benchmark:
>> package jdk.test;
>> import org.openjdk.jmh.annotations.*;
>> import org.openjdk.jmh.infra.Blackhole;
>> import java.io.Serializable;
>> import java.lang.invoke.MethodHandle;
>> import java.util.Iterator;
>> import java.util.Set;
>> import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit;
>> import java.util.stream.Collectors;
>> import java.util.stream.Stream;
>> @BenchmarkMode(Mode.AverageTime)
>> @Fork(value = 1, warmups = 0)
>> @Warmup(iterations = 10)
>> @Measurement(iterations = 10)
>> @OutputTimeUnit(TimeUnit.NANOSECONDS)
>> @State(Scope.Thread)
>> public class ClassForNameBench {
>>     static final String BMH = "java/lang/invoke/BoundMethodHandle";
>>     static final String SPECIES_PREFIX_NAME = "Species_";
>>     static final String SPECIES_PREFIX_PATH = BMH + "$" + 
>>     @Param({"LL,LLL,LLLL,LLLLL,LLLLLL"})
>>     public String generate;
>>     public String lookup;
>>     private String[] generatedTypes;
>>     private String[] lookedUpTypes;
>>     private Set<String> generatedNames;
>>     private String[] lookedUpNames;
>>     @Setup(Level.Trial)
>>     public void setup() {
>>         generatedTypes = generate.trim().split("\\s*,\\s*");
>>         lookedUpTypes = lookup.trim().split("\\s*,\\s*");
>>         generatedNames = Stream.of(generatedTypes)
>>                                .map(types -> SPECIES_PREFIX_PATH + 
>> shortenSignature(types))
>>                                .collect(Collectors.toSet());
>>         lookedUpNames = Stream.of(lookedUpTypes)
>>                               .map(types -> SPECIES_PREFIX_PATH + 
>> shortenSignature(types))
>>                               .toArray(String[]::new);
>>     }
>>     @Benchmark
>>     public void classForName(Blackhole bh) {
>>         for (String name : lookedUpNames) {
>>             try {
>>                 bh.consume(Class.forName(name, false, 
>> MethodHandle.class.getClassLoader()));
>>             } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) {
>>                 bh.consume(e);
>>             }
>>         }
>>     }
>>     @Benchmark
>>     public void classForNameInModule(Blackhole bh) {
>>         for (String name : lookedUpNames) {
>> bh.consume(Class.forName(MethodHandle.class.getModule(), name));
>>         }
>>     }
>>     @Benchmark
>>     public void hashSetContains(Blackhole bh) {
>>         for (String name : lookedUpNames) {
>>             bh.consume(generatedNames.contains(name));
>>         }
>>     }
>>     @Benchmark
>>     public void switchStatement(Blackhole bh) {
>>         for (String types : lookedUpTypes) {
>>             bh.consume(getBMHSwitch(types));
>>         }
>>     }
>>     static Class<?> getBMHSwitch(String types) {
>>         // should be in sync with @Param generate above...
>>         switch (types) {
>>             case "LL": return Object.class;
>>             case "LLL": return Serializable.class;
>>             case "LLLL": return Iterator.class;
>>             case "LLLLL": return Throwable.class;
>>             case "LLLLLL": return String.class;
>>             default: return null;
>>         }
>>     }
>>     // copied from non-public LambdaForm
>>     static String shortenSignature(String signature) {
>>         // Hack to make signatures more readable when they show up in 
>> method names.
>>         final int NO_CHAR = -1, MIN_RUN = 3;
>>         int c0, c1 = NO_CHAR, c1reps = 0;
>>         StringBuilder buf = null;
>>         int len = signature.length();
>>         if (len < MIN_RUN) return signature;
>>         for (int i = 0; i <= len; i++) {
>>             // shift in the next char:
>>             c0 = c1; c1 = (i == len ? NO_CHAR : signature.charAt(i));
>>             if (c1 == c0) { ++c1reps; continue; }
>>             // shift in the next count:
>>             int c0reps = c1reps; c1reps = 1;
>>             // end of a  character run
>>             if (c0reps < MIN_RUN) {
>>                 if (buf != null) {
>>                     while (--c0reps >= 0)
>>                         buf.append((char) c0);
>>                 }
>>                 continue;
>>             }
>>             // found three or more in a row
>>             if (buf == null)
>>                 buf = new StringBuilder().append(signature, 0, i - 
>> c0reps);
>>             buf.append((char) c0).append(c0reps);
>>         }
>>         return (buf == null) ? signature : buf.toString();
>>     }
>> }
>> Regards, Peter
>> On 03/30/2016 09:40 AM, Peter Levart wrote:
>>> Hi Claes,
>>> On 03/30/2016 01:03 AM, Claes Redestad wrote:
>>>> Hi Peter, Mandy,
>>>> On 2016-03-26 12:47, Peter Levart wrote:
>>>>> Comparing this with proposed code from webrev:
>>>>>  493                         try {
>>>>>  494                             return (Class<? extends 
>>>>> BoundMethodHandle>)
>>>>>  495 Class.forName("java.lang.invoke.BoundMethodHandle$Species_" + 
>>>>> LambdaForm.shortenSignature(types));
>>>>>  496                         } catch (ClassNotFoundException cnf) {
>>>>>  497                             // Not pregenerated, generate the 
>>>>> class
>>>>>  498                             return 
>>>>> generateConcreteBMHClass(types);
>>>>>  499                         }
>>>>> ...note that the function passed to CLASS_CACHE.computeIfAbsent is 
>>>>> executed just once per distinct 'types' argument. Even if you put 
>>>>> the generated switch between a call to getConcreteBMHClass and 
>>>>> CLASS_CACHE.computeIfAbsent, getConcreteBMHClass(String types) is 
>>>>> executed just once per distinct 'types' argument (except in rare 
>>>>> occasions when VM can not initialize the loaded class).
>>>>> In this respect a successful Class.forName() is not any worse than 
>>>>> static resolving. It's just that unsuccessful Class.forName() 
>>>>> represents some overhead for classes that are not pre-generated. 
>>>>> So an alternative way to get rid of that overhead is to have a 
>>>>> HashSet of 'types' strings for pre-generated classes at hand in 
>>>>> order to decide whether to call Class.forName or 
>>>>> generateConcreteBMHClass.
>>>>> What's easier to support is another question.
>>>>> Regards, Peter
>>>> to have something to compare with I built a version which, like you 
>>>> suggest,
>>>> generates a HashSet<String> with the set of generated classes here:
>>>> http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~redestad/8152641/webrev.02/
>>>> This adds a fair bit of complexity to the plugin and requires we 
>>>> add a nested
>>>> class in BoundMethodHandle that we can replace. Using the anonymous
>>>> compute Function for this seems like the best choice for this.
>>> ...what I had in mind as alternative to a pregenerated class with a 
>>> switch was a simple textual resource file, generated by plugin, 
>>> read-in by BMH into a HashSet. No special-purpose class generation 
>>> and much less complexity for the plugin.
>>>> I've not been able to measure any statistical difference in real 
>>>> startup terms,
>>>> though, and not figured out a smart way to benchmark the overhead 
>>>> of the
>>>> CNFE in relation to the class generation (my guess it adds a 
>>>> fraction to the
>>>> total cost) and since this adds ever so little footprint and an 
>>>> extra lookup to the
>>>> fast path it would seem that this is the wrong trade-off to do here.
>>> Yes, perhaps it would be best to just use Class.forName(module, 
>>> className) instead. I have created a little benchmark to compare 
>>> overheads (just overheads) of unsuccessful lookups for pregenerated 
>>> classes (a situation where a BMH class is requested that has not 
>>> been pregenerated) and here's the result for overhead of 5 
>>> unsuccessfull lookups:
>>> Benchmark (generate)                       (lookup)  Mode  Cnt 
>>> Score     Error  Units
>>> ClassForNameBench.classForName LL,LLL,LLLL,LLLLL,LLLLLL  
>>> LLI,LLLI,LLLLI,LLLLLI,LLLLLLI avgt   10  6800.878 ± 421.424  ns/op
>>> ClassForNameBench.classForNameInModule LL,LLL,LLLL,LLLLL,LLLLLL  
>>> LLI,LLLI,LLLLI,LLLLLI,LLLLLLI avgt   10   209.574 ±   2.114  ns/op
>>> ClassForNameBench.hashSetContains LL,LLL,LLLL,LLLLL,LLLLLL  
>>> LLI,LLLI,LLLLI,LLLLLI,LLLLLLI avgt   10     6.813 ±   0.317  ns/op
>>> ClassForNameBench.switchStatement LL,LLL,LLLL,LLLLL,LLLLLL  
>>> LLI,LLLI,LLLLI,LLLLLI,LLLLLLI avgt   10     6.601 ±   0.061  ns/op
>>> ...compared to runtime BMH class generation and loading this is 
>>> really a very minor overhead. I would just use Class.forName(module, 
>>> className) and reduce the complexity of the plugin.
>>> What do you think?
>>> Here's the benchmark:
>>> package jdk.test;
>>> import org.openjdk.jmh.annotations.*;
>>> import org.openjdk.jmh.infra.Blackhole;
>>> import java.io.Serializable;
>>> import java.lang.invoke.MethodHandle;
>>> import java.util.Iterator;
>>> import java.util.Set;
>>> import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit;
>>> import java.util.stream.Collectors;
>>> import java.util.stream.Stream;
>>> @BenchmarkMode(Mode.AverageTime)
>>> @Fork(value = 1, warmups = 0)
>>> @Warmup(iterations = 10)
>>> @Measurement(iterations = 10)
>>> @OutputTimeUnit(TimeUnit.NANOSECONDS)
>>> @State(Scope.Thread)
>>> public class ClassForNameBench {
>>>     static final String BMH = "java/lang/invoke/BoundMethodHandle";
>>>     static final String SPECIES_PREFIX_NAME = "Species_";
>>>     static final String SPECIES_PREFIX_PATH = BMH + "$" + 
>>>     @Param({"LL,LLL,LLLL,LLLLL,LLLLLL"})
>>>     public String generate;
>>>     public String lookup;
>>>     private String[] generatedTypes;
>>>     private String[] lookedUpTypes;
>>>     private Set<String> generatedNames;
>>>     private String[] lookedUpNames;
>>>     @Setup(Level.Trial)
>>>     public void setup() {
>>>         generatedTypes = generate.trim().split("\\s+,\\s+");
>>>         lookedUpTypes = lookup.trim().split("\\s+,\\s+");
>>>         generatedNames = Stream.of(generatedTypes)
>>>                                .map(types -> SPECIES_PREFIX_PATH + 
>>> shortenSignature(types))
>>>                                .collect(Collectors.toSet());
>>>         lookedUpNames = Stream.of(lookedUpTypes)
>>>                               .map(types -> SPECIES_PREFIX_PATH + 
>>> shortenSignature(types))
>>>                               .toArray(String[]::new);
>>>     }
>>>     @Benchmark
>>>     public void classForName(Blackhole bh) {
>>>         for (String name : lookedUpNames) {
>>>             try {
>>>                 bh.consume(Class.forName(name, false, 
>>> MethodHandle.class.getClassLoader()));
>>>             } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) {
>>>                 bh.consume(e);
>>>             }
>>>         }
>>>     }
>>>     @Benchmark
>>>     public void classForNameInModule(Blackhole bh) {
>>>         for (String name : lookedUpNames) {
>>> bh.consume(Class.forName(MethodHandle.class.getModule(), name));
>>>         }
>>>     }
>>>     @Benchmark
>>>     public void hashSetContains(Blackhole bh) {
>>>         for (String name : lookedUpNames) {
>>>             bh.consume(generatedNames.contains(name));
>>>         }
>>>     }
>>>     @Benchmark
>>>     public void switchStatement(Blackhole bh) {
>>>         for (String types : lookedUpTypes) {
>>>             bh.consume(getBMHSwitch(types));
>>>         }
>>>     }
>>>     static Class<?> getBMHSwitch(String types) {
>>>         // should be in sync with @Param generate above...
>>>         switch (types) {
>>>             case "LL": return Object.class;
>>>             case "LLL": return Serializable.class;
>>>             case "LLLL": return Iterator.class;
>>>             case "LLLLL": return Throwable.class;
>>>             case "LLLLLL": return String.class;
>>>             default: return null;
>>>         }
>>>     }
>>>     // copied from non-public LambdaForm
>>>     static String shortenSignature(String signature) {
>>>         // Hack to make signatures more readable when they show up 
>>> in method names.
>>>         final int NO_CHAR = -1, MIN_RUN = 3;
>>>         int c0, c1 = NO_CHAR, c1reps = 0;
>>>         StringBuilder buf = null;
>>>         int len = signature.length();
>>>         if (len < MIN_RUN) return signature;
>>>         for (int i = 0; i <= len; i++) {
>>>             // shift in the next char:
>>>             c0 = c1; c1 = (i == len ? NO_CHAR : signature.charAt(i));
>>>             if (c1 == c0) { ++c1reps; continue; }
>>>             // shift in the next count:
>>>             int c0reps = c1reps; c1reps = 1;
>>>             // end of a  character run
>>>             if (c0reps < MIN_RUN) {
>>>                 if (buf != null) {
>>>                     while (--c0reps >= 0)
>>>                         buf.append((char) c0);
>>>                 }
>>>                 continue;
>>>             }
>>>             // found three or more in a row
>>>             if (buf == null)
>>>                 buf = new StringBuilder().append(signature, 0, i - 
>>> c0reps);
>>>             buf.append((char) c0).append(c0reps);
>>>         }
>>>         return (buf == null) ? signature : buf.toString();
>>>     }
>>> }
>>> Regards, Peter
>>>> All-in-all I lean towards moving forward with the first, simpler 
>>>> revision of this
>>>> patch[1] and then evaluate if webrev.02 or a String-switch+static 
>>>> resolve
>>>> as a follow-up.
>>>> A compromise would be to keep the SpeciesLookup class introduced here
>>>> to allow removing all overhead in case the plugin is disabled.
>>>> Mandy: I've not found any test (under jdk/test/tools/jlink or 
>>>> elsewhere) which
>>>> has to be updated when adding a plugin like this.
>>>> Thanks!
>>>> /Claes
>>>> [1] http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~redestad/8152641/webrev.01/ 

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