
Andrew Dinn adinn at redhat.com
Tue May 24 15:51:05 UTC 2016

Hi Alan,

I have looked into the available options for providing my agent (or
indeed any other agent) with access to Reflection and I think the
available options, while usable, are a significant limitation wrt to the
status quo.

The simplest, safe way to allow an agent to acquire the privileged
reflective access available to java.base classes (i.e. not subject to
module checks) is for the agent to delegate to an extension class added
to java.base using the command line option -Xpatch. Having played around
with the relevant class loaders I think that command line option appears
to be the only clean way to inveigle a class into a platform module
(without begging the question by assuming that you already have the
ability to use stuff in java.base such as Unsafe.defineClass).

It certainly does not appear to me as if there is any non-ugly way to
introduce a class into this module at run time. The only route I could
find is temporarily redefining a public method of a java.base class so
that it hands over a privileged instance (such as an Unsafe instance) to
agent code, making a call to the redefined code, and then redefining the
method so that it reverts back to normal. This could probably be made
relatively safe (need to worry about recursive calls and ensure it is
idempotent in case something else uses the API) but it's pretty tacky
and it's a rather crazy path for all agents to have to follow to obtain
privileged access.

The reason I am unhappy with just using -Xpatch is that it has two
usability problems and also raises the issue of redundancy.

Firstly, agents can be loaded dynamically when they are needed. That's
often true with Byteman where an agent is used to diagnose errant
behaviour if and when it happens. If the agent can only do what it needs
on the condition that the user had the foresight to start the JVM with
the relevant -Xpath option then this is not going to happen in lots of
cases. For repeatable problems that's fine -- just restart the JVM. But
for intermittent problems this is exactly when you don't want to be
kicked by hindsight for your lack of foresight.

The second reason is that it requires using two jars, the extension jar
used by -Xpatch and then the agent jar. This may sound a small thing but
it's easy to underestimate how hard it is for many users to get this
sort of thing right, especially when they have to configure access to
the jar as a java command line option in a maven pom. I have managed to
hide the loading of the Byteman agent jar when running Byteman-based
tests in maven by auto-loading the agent dynamically -- all users need
to do is ensure that the agent jar and the jar which implement the
JTest/TestNG API extensions supported by Byteman are provided as test
dependencies. However, I cannot automate setting java command line
options from maven. This is going to confuse and, ultimately, lose a lot
of users.

The redundancy issue is that following this path will require every
agent to do something similar, provide a -Xpatch jar, have it /safely/
export an accessor instance to the agent code (and only the agent code)
and then have the agent redirect all operations requiring privlege to
that accessor instance. Why do all agents need to do this when providing
a setAccessible method on class Instrumentation will immediately give
every agent a secure channel for doing the same thing?

Given the impending guillotine for completion of JDK I intend to raise a
JIRA to mark the #ReflectiveAccessByInstrumentationAgents requirement as
still needing a fix and suggesting a modification to Instrumenatation as
the way to achieve it. If you have any other alternatives to the ones I
have described for how to provide agents with java.base privileges I'd
be very pleased to hear them and consider them as alternative
implementations. Meanwhile I'll look at providing a webrev which
implements what would be needed to provide the necessary capability via


Andrew Dinn

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