How to check for an internal class in another module from java.base?

Alan Bateman Alan.Bateman at
Tue Nov 1 15:10:45 UTC 2016

On 01/11/2016 15:02, Wang Weijun wrote:
> HTTP Negotiate uses
>    Class.forName("", true, null);
> to check if the implementation in module is provided. It looks like this call is throwing a ClassNotFoundException now. Shall I export the package to java.base or is there any other trick? I remember there used to be an addReads method but seems no one is using it now.
> Or I must use a service loader?
This is just visibility. The module is defined to the 
platform class loader but but you have specified "null" (= bootstrap 
class loader) to Class.forName.

There is an issue in JIRA to track change the HTTP protocol handler to 
use services for authentication mechanism, I don't think anyone has had 
time to work on that yet.


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