Replacement for JDK8 APIs

Alan Bateman Alan.Bateman at
Fri Nov 25 12:49:24 UTC 2016

On 25/11/2016 12:11, Stéphane Nicoll wrote:

> :
> Yes, there is a feature in Spring Boot called devtools that allows you 
> do remote debugging via SSH[1] - Is there any way to achieve the same 
> feature with JDK 9?
Nothing has really changed here, it's just that some JDK internal 
classes have moved and of course they are no longer accessible.

So if understand correctly then you want the debugger agent to create a 
listener on an ephemeral port when started over ssh. That should work 
fine and the listener port will be printed to stdout (and hence sent 
over the ssh session) so that the user can connect with the socket 

The alternative is of course to invert the setup so that the user starts 
the debugger configured to use a ListeningConnector and have the 
debuggee started with the `address` sub-option specifying the host/port 
of the debugger to connect to (no server=y).

If there isn't a solution then serviceability-dev would be a good place 
to bring up this topic as there has never been a supported way to 
publish the debugger port (the sun.jdwp.listenerAddress property is for 
the ProcessAttachingConnector).


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