Few questions

Alan Bateman Alan.Bateman at oracle.com
Fri Nov 25 22:05:00 UTC 2016

On 25/11/2016 19:33, Michał Zegan wrote:

> Hello.
> I have a few questions about project jigsaw and things that are related.
> - Does, or will, the jlink tool allow creating executables? I mean,
> packing app with the runtime not in a directory, but in an executable
> file of some sort? Or, will it be extendable in such a direction? Some
> people would like something similar, although such an exe would be
> really big.
jlink creates a run-time image so it's not a single .exe file. The 
details on the run-time image layout are in JEP 220 but might be easier 
to just try it out to see how it works. There are lots of opportunities 
to do static linking and other things but they beyond the current scope 
of JEP 282 and JEP 275.

> - Is it possible to, in any way, circumvent module access control?
> Reflection works to see, currently, all classes and interfaces, all
> methods/fields/constructors of theirs whether private, protected or
> whatever, and may be used to circumvent all such access restrictions.
> What about deliberate circumventing of access from one module to
> another, when an accessed class would be from a package that is not
> exported?
All places that do access checks have been updated to work with modules. 
In the case of core reflection then you can discover private fields and 
methods that aren't accessible so it's not really any different to how 
core reflection has always worked (ignoring setAccessible).

> How does it all work with serialization?
Java serialization works exactly as before, no changes. Custom 
serialization on the other hand is a challenge. There are specialized 
APIs in the jdk.unsupported module to allow custom serialization 
libraries to work with modules, even if the serial form includes fields 
of types in non-exported/non-open packages.

> - And, what about module unloading?
>  From what I know, classes are never unloaded, unless they have no active
> references to any of their objects and class object/etc, and unless
> their class loader is collectable, that requires all other classes not
> to be referenced/etc. How does this extend to modules? When modules are
> unloaded?
The granularity of unloading is the module layer, not individual 
modules. To be GC'ed then a strongly reachable object can't reference 
something in the module.

> - How to dynamically load modules? Does it require a new layer to be
> created? Can you base a layer you create directly on the empty layer?
> for example to run an app in a different environment, isolated from most
> of the modules of another app...
Every module reads java.base which is in the boot layer so minimally you 
will have the boot layer as the parent rather than the empty layer.

> - Probably the last question: are security providers per module/layer,
> or per java virtual machine? Sometimes it at least seems useful for
> two... javaee apps to have two versions of bouncycastle jcajce provider
> running without conflict.
The security provider mechanism was updated some time ago to use 
ServiceLoader and so works with modules. I believe it will only 
automatically locate service provider on the module path or class path. 
When doing dynamic configuration (and use the resolveRequiresAndUses) 
then security providers will be resolved but I don't think will be used 
by the security APIs by default. This is really a topic for the 
security-dev list.


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