Few questions

Michał Zegan webczat_200 at poczta.onet.pl
Sat Nov 26 10:50:22 UTC 2016

well, about services, the problem is (probably) that services in jigsaw,
last I've checked, were purely static in nature.
That is they cannot dynamically appear and disappear and modules cannot
be notified about it, that wuld be a reason for a service container.

W dniu 26.11.2016 o 09:34, Alan Bateman pisze:
> On 25/11/2016 22:21, Michał Zegan wrote:
>> Well, I specifically mean setAccessible usage between modules.
> All I can suggest is to read the javadoc, the proposal for
> #AwkwardStrongEncapsulation [1], and of course try out the EA builds [2].
>> Another question that comes to mind after reading some things: what
>> about relation of jigsaw and osgi? Is jigsaw going to replace osgi?
>> Well, what I exactly mean is, I know you try to make jigsaw and osgi
>> work together. I just mean, is jigsaw module system going to work in
>> such a way that you would be able to use it for modularizing
>> applications without osgi, assuming that either the app does not use
>> dynamic services, or it does, but there would be a service manager built
>> on top of jigsaw?
> The module system has built-in support for services. See Alex's session
> on "Modules and Services" from JavaOne 2016 [3] for more on that.
>> Specifically, what about multiple versions of the same module per jvm
>> and multiple packages with the same name per jvm (either private, or
>> exported non transitively)...
> You can do this with dynamic configurations and the layer API. Alex's
> "Project Jigsaw: Under the Hook" session from JavaOne 2016 is the
> session to watch for more on that topic.
> -Alan
> [1]
> http://mail.openjdk.java.net/pipermail/jpms-spec-experts/2016-October/000430.html
> [2] https://jdk9.java.net/jigsaw/
> [3] http://openjdk.java.net/projects/jigsaw/talks/#j1-2016

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