Services and Bindings - expected usage scenarios

Alan Bateman Alan.Bateman at
Tue Nov 29 13:24:07 UTC 2016

On 29/11/2016 13:13, Pisarev, Vitaliy wrote:

> What about the intent behind how are developers supposed to use this tool?
> For example, when Optional was introduced in Java 8, it was specified that it is intended to be used as a methods return type. And people should not
> use it as class member or method argument, even though the compiler will not prevent them to.
> Here is a language feature that comes with guidelines as to how it is intended to be used.
> Can you tell me how the expert group envisions usage of the ServiceLoader in Java 9, with reference to the original question (and any other thing you can add with regard to this).
Have you looked at Alex's presentation on "Modules and Services" from 
JavaOne 2016 [1]?



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