Javassist 3.21

Alan Bateman Alan.Bateman at
Mon Oct 3 06:09:22 UTC 2016

On 02/10/2016 18:34, Stephen Felts wrote:

> I picked up javassist 3.21 to work around Jigsaw problems on JDK 9.  It works great.  The only problem is that it no longer works on JDK 8.
> Has anyone seen this problem?  Don't you hate it when you can't find java.lang.String? :)
In a recent mail then Rafael Winterhalter also reports that Javaassit is 
working. The version wasn't mentioned but I got the impression that 
existing versions worked okay with builds that implement the current 
proposal for #ResourceEncapsulation/#ClassFilesAsResources.

In any case, the question about 3.21 on JDK 8 seems something for the 
Javaassit mailing list, assuming there is a list (I can't immediately 
find out so maybe it requires submitting an issue to the project on GitHub.


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