Request Review: JDK-6479237 (cl) Add support for classloader names
serguei.spitsyn at
serguei.spitsyn at
Fri Oct 28 07:06:39 UTC 2016
Hi Mandy,
I have a few comments.
private static class BootClassLoader extends BuiltinClassLoader {
BootClassLoader(URLClassPath bcp) {
- super(null, bcp);
+ super(null, null, bcp);
. . .
PlatformClassLoader(BootClassLoader parent) {
- super(parent, null);
+ super("platform", parent, null);
. . .
AppClassLoader(PlatformClassLoader parent, URLClassPath ucp) {
- super(parent, ucp);
+ super("app", parent, ucp);
this.ucp = ucp;
Can we give the bootstrap classloader the name "boot" or "bootstrap"?
Or this will impact too many places, and so, very risky to do?
379 ClassLoader loader = cls.getClassLoader0(); The loader is unused.
402 private static String toLoaderModuleClassName(Class<?> cls) {
403 ClassLoader loader = cls.getClassLoader0();
404 Module m = cls.getModule();
406 // First element - class loader name
407 String s = "";
408 if (loader != null && !(loader instanceof BuiltinClassLoader) &&
409 loader.getName() != null) {
410 s = loader.getName() + "/";
411 }
413 // Second element - module name and version
414 if (m != null && m.isNamed()) {
415 s = s.isEmpty() ? m.getName() : s + m.getName();
416 // drop version if it's JDK module tied with java.base,
417 // i.e. non-upgradeable
418 if (!HashedModules.contains(m)) {
419 Optional<ModuleDescriptor.Version> ov = m.getDescriptor().version();
420 if (ov.isPresent()) {
421 String version = "@" + ov.get().toString();
422 s = s.isEmpty() ? version : s + version;
423 }
424 }
425 }
427 // fully-qualified class name
428 return s.isEmpty() ? cls.getName() : s + "/" + cls.getName();
429 }
Also, the lines 415 and 422 can be simplified: 415 s += m.getName(); 422
s += version; Also, if the loader has a name but (m == null ||
!m.isNamed()) then it looks like the sign "/" will be added twice (see
L410 and L428). It can be fixed and simplified with: Add line before
425: s += "/"; 428 return s + cls.getName();
Also, it is not clear why the loader name is not included for an instance of theBuiltinClassLoader?
Would it make sense to add a comment explaining it?
Thanks, Serguei
On 10/25/16 16:10, Mandy Chung wrote:
> Webrev at:
> Specdiff:
> This is a long-standing RFE for adding support for class
> loader names. It's #ClassLoaderNames on JSR 376 issue
> list where the proposal [1] has been implemented in jake
> for some time. This patch brings this change to jdk9.
> A short summary:
> - New constructors are added in ClassLoader, SecureClassLoader
> and URLClassLoader to specify the class loader name.
> - New ClassLoader::getName and StackTraceElement::getClassLoaderName
> method
> - StackTraceElement::toString is updated to include the name
> of the class loader and module of that frame in this format:
> <loader>/<module>/<fully-qualified-name>(<src>:<line>)
> The detail is in StackTraceElement::buildLoaderModuleClassName
> that compress the output string for cases when the loader
> has no name or the module is unnamed module. Another thing
> to mention is that VM sets the Class object when filling in
> a stack trace of a Throwable object. Then the library will
> build a String from the Class object for serialization purpose.
> Mandy
> [1]
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