Multiple versions of a non-exported dependency

Alan Bateman Alan.Bateman at
Fri Sep 2 08:27:26 UTC 2016

On 01/09/2016 21:04, cowwoc wrote:

> Another possibility (not saying it's better, just putting it out there)
> is to do the following:
>   1. Provide a tool like "javah" that would generate for
>      non-modularized JAR files.
Look at `jdeps --gen-module-info ..`. It's a starting point to create a 
source file that is easy to edit (see the slide decks).

It's not difficult to write your own ModuleFinder that reads the module 
declaration from elsewhere if you really want. If you are willing to 
write a module declaration for each of the 100 JAR files on your class 
path then more power to you. To be honest, the feedback over the years 
has almost always been that developers don't want to take responsibility 
for libraries maintained by others. This usually means they won't want 
to write/maintain the module declaration for libraries that they won't 
own, or they don't know enough about the code in these components to be 
confident that the module declaration is correct.


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