Closing out some open issues

Stephen Colebourne scolebourne at
Mon Sep 12 21:59:12 UTC 2016

On 11 September 2016 at 22:24,  <mark.reinhold at> wrote:
> Proposals for the following issues have been available for evaluation
> and experimentation for quite a while now.  Most responses have been
> positive and there have been no strong objections, so I've updated
> the issue list [1] to mark them as closed.
>   #BootstrapClassLoaderSearchInJVMTI
>   #ClassFileAccPublic
>   #CompileTimeDependences (`requires static`)
>   #CustomizableAutomaticModuleNameMapping
>   #ModuleAnnotations
>   #ModuleDeprecation
>   #ReflectiveAccessByInstrumentationAgents
> Not everyone was thrilled with the choice of `static` as the modifier
> on `requires` directives that indicates a compile-time dependence, but
> no obviously-better choice has emerged.

Given that "exports dynamic" has gone, there is even less reason to
use "static" (as there is no "dynamic" equivalent). The simplest
alternative is "requires optional", which fits with the existing
terminology used by maven for many years and more clearly indicates
that users cannot rely on the dependency.


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