Jigsaw b136 ServiceLoader Regression

Alan Bateman Alan.Bateman at oracle.com
Tue Sep 27 15:38:53 UTC 2016

On 27/09/2016 16:32, Richard Opalka wrote:

> Hi Jigsaw team,
>    there is a regression in Jigsaw JDK9 build 136
> causing ServiceLoader.iterator().next() to propagate
> other error than ServiceConfigurationError, see below.
> According to javadoc (java.util.ServiceLoader.iterator()):
> " To write robust code it is only necessary to catch 
> |ServiceConfigurationError| <cid:part1.33D07682.B45F1A26 at redhat.com> 
> when using a service iterator."
> Is there already a JIRA for that issue?
I don't think there is but the issue has been fixed for an upcoming 
patch to ServiceLoader (to align with the #ServiceLoaderEnhancements 
proposal). So assume it will be fixed soon.


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