Static analyzer tool for split packages available?

Mandy Chung mandy.chung at
Wed Sep 28 23:11:11 UTC 2016

> On Sep 28, 2016, at 10:55 AM, Patrick Reinhart <patrick at> wrote:
> Hello there,
> First of all, thanks for all the hard work, you already put into the modularization of the JDK so far. Great job!
> I started to look into the possible pitfalls in our code in order to be converted into JDK 9 modules in the future. Besides that I’ve already scanned our own libraries for usages of „unsafe“ code within the JDK, I’m aware of the fact, that my own packages should not contain the same packages twice (as referred as „split package“ problem). I wanted to know if there is already a kind of tool in the JDK that could scan for those packages, in order to sort those out.

JDK does not have such a tool.  I do have a simple tool to list packages 
and detect split packages for analysis.  I can post it somewhere if you 
want to use.

> If that would not already be the case I wonder if this would be an enhancement that would be worth while opening a JEP for it. (Where I would be prepared to help create)

I think JBS issue would suffice.

Last year Jon and I touched on the idea of having a class path analysis 
tool [1][2].  It can find split packages (overlapping classes vs 
partitioned classes).


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