Review Request JDK-8175819: OS name and arch in JMOD files should match the values as in the bundle name

Simon Nash simon at
Mon Apr 3 20:35:30 UTC 2017

On 03/04/2017 21:15, mark.reinhold at wrote:
> 2017/4/3 11:41:03 -0700, mandy.chung at
>> Webrev:
>> ...
>> This shows the old and new value of OS_NAME/OS_ARCH properties
>> in the `release` file:
>>             JDK 8               JDK 9
>>             -----               -----
>> OS_NAME     Linux               linux
>>             SunOS               solaris
>>             Darwin              osx
>>             Windows             windows
>> OS_ARCH     i386,x86            x86
>>             i586,amd64,x86_64   x64
>>             sparcv9             sparcv9
>>             arm                 arm32
>>             aarch64             arm64
> I suggest we use "amd64" instead of "x64" (or any other variants).
> "x64" is confusingly close to "x86", and while it's used by some
> companies (including Oracle), it's not used all that widely.  "amd64" is
> better known, matches the long-standing value of the "os.arch" system
> property (on Linux and Windows, anyway) and, as a side benefit, honors
> the originators of the architecture.
> - Mark

I am not sure why we would change to osx for Mac when the Mac developers
have recently dropped the Mac OS X terminology and changed it to macOS.


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