SecurityManager environments

Christoph Engelbert chris at
Thu Apr 6 14:29:16 UTC 2017

I would agree with the paper that you shared, Dalibor. The SecurityManager system is not self-explanatory and I would also agree that, at least in the systems I worked with, there normally is no SecurityManager set, or even worse, the software fails with a SecurityManager set because some library doesn’t play nice.

On the other side, I think the solution to make more use of the SecurityManager is not wrong but the API should be revised and a better / faster way is necessary, maybe incorporating the new StackWalker API for access checks.

Christoph Engelbert
Manager Developer Relations 
> On 6. Apr 2017, at 15:52, dalibor topic <dalibor.topic at> wrote:
> On 06.04.2017 15:24, Gregg Wonderly wrote:
>> SecurityManager needs to be used more
> Potentially relevant academic research:
> "We observed evidence that many developers struggle to
> understand and use the security manager for any purpose.
> This is perhaps why there were only 36 applications in our
> sample."
> cheers,
> dalibor topic
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