Review Request JDK-8175819: OS name and arch in JMOD files should match the values as in the bundle name

Peter Levart peter.levart at
Tue Apr 11 11:45:20 UTC 2017

Hi Mandy,

On 04/03/2017 11:50 PM, Mandy Chung wrote:
>             JDK 8               JDK 9
>             -----               -----
> OS_NAME    Linux               linux
>             SunOS               solaris
>             Darwin              macos
>             Windows             windows
> OS_ARCH    i386,x86            x86
>             i586,amd64,x86_64   amd64

i586 (i.e. 32 bit Pentium) should map to x86, not amd64 !!!

Regards, Peter

>             sparcv9             sparcv9
>             arm                 arm32
>             aarch64             arm64

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