Module naming restrictions

Remi Forax forax at
Tue Apr 25 12:59:32 UTC 2017

I was thinking of (a), an automatic module should not allow Java keywords, 
apart all methods*Module should checks that each component of the qualified name is not a Java keyword.

The idea is that all variants of*Module implements the JLS semantics and implements the JVMS semantics.


----- Mail original -----
> De: "Stephan Herrmann" <stephan.herrmann at>
> À: jigsaw-dev at
> Envoyé: Mardi 25 Avril 2017 13:49:20
> Objet: Re: Module naming restrictions

> When you say "bug" do you mean
> (a) the name of that automatic module should avoid any Java keyword, or
> (b) Java keywords should be accepted as (part of) a module name?
> Option (a) would require a change in the specification of ModuleFinder
> whereas (b) currently conflicts with JLS 7.7 which clearly states
>   A module name consists of one or more Java identifiers (§3.8) separated by "."
>   tokens.
> While neither (a) nor (b) is fulfilled, libraries with a Java keyword in their
> name
> simply cannot be used as automatic modules, right?
> Stephan
> On 25.04.2017 09:50, Remi Forax wrote:
>> Seems to be a bug to me.
>> Rémi
>> ----- Mail original -----
>>> De: "Rafael Winterhalter" <rafael.wth at>
>>> À: "jigsaw-dev" <jigsaw-dev at>
>>> Envoyé: Mardi 25 Avril 2017 09:12:04
>>> Objet: Module naming restrictions
>>> Hello,
>>> I did another update of my libraries to support Java 9 and found out that
>>> Byte Buddy cannot easily be used as an automatic module. It is published as
>>> byte-buddy.jar to Maven Central where its automatic module name would be
>>> byte.buddy. This does however not compile due to "byte" being a keyword in
>>> Java. Here is what javac gives me:
>>> src/ error: <identifier> expected
>>>    requires byte.buddy;
>>>            ^
>>> 1 error
>>> I expect that this is not a common problem but not an uncommon one either.
>>> Looking for artifacts named after Java keywords in Maven Central, you can
>>> find quite a few.
>>> I do not know if this is technically feasible but I suggest that module
>>> names should not come with any restrictions due to the historic freedom in
>>> naming which would just cause confusion if some projects had to be renamed
>>> just to satisfy the module descriptors restrictions.
> >> Best regards, Rafael

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