Alternatives for naming automatic modules, and a proposal (#AutomaticModuleNames)

Alan Bateman Alan.Bateman at
Wed Apr 26 18:35:10 UTC 2017

On 26/04/2017 18:35, Stephen Colebourne wrote:

> :
> - an incomplete module defines as many dependencies as it can
> - an incomplete module also depends on the classpath
> - the current automatic module concept ceases to exist
> (an incomplete module is not an automatic module, as it doesn't get to
> read all other modules. It only gets to read the classpath)
This is along the lines of what we've previously tossed around as 
`requires $CLASSPATH`. The JAR files on your class path may expose type 
in other libraries that get migrated to modules. In the extreme then all 
the dependences are migrated so that the class path is empty. So more 
readability is needed to avoid lock step migration (it's the same 
readability that automatic modules get today).


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