Can automatic modules be made to work?

Stephen Colebourne scolebourne at
Wed Apr 26 21:19:42 UTC 2017

On 26 April 2017 at 17:27,  <mark.reinhold at> wrote:
> I think I need to reconsider my previous conclusion that explicit modules
> that depend upon automatic modules should never be published for broad
> use [2].
> The only remaining objection seems to be the aesthetic one, i.e., the
> fact that the name of an automatic module is derived from the artifact
> that defines it rather than from some intrinsic property of its content
> or an explicit declaration by its author.  I understand and share this
> concern.  I completely agree that modules are not artifacts, as I've
> written before [3], but I don't see a better alternative [4].

OK, so in this thread, I'll outline what changes could potentially
allow distributed modules based on automatic modules to work. This is
not an endorsement of the concept, but a pragmatic take on what could
be done now (other than delay JDK9 or remove the modulepath from

Some basic assertions:
1) Modules != Artifacts [1]
2) Module names should thus be aligned with code, not artifacts [2]
3) Automatic modules currently derive their name from the artifact,
which is almost always wrong wrt #2
4) A module author is forced to choose the artifact name initially,
and change it to the module name when released
5) Since multiple artifact names point represent the same module [1],
there are guaranteed to be problems in large graphs
6) There is no way out when module hell hits

To succeed with distributing modules depending on automatic modules,
it seems to me that we need:
1) a naming strategy that is reliable for the person making the guess
2) an approach for JPMS to link the guessed name to an artifact

I'd argue that the naming strategy can be relatively simple - the
highest package name [2]. Feedback has been pretty much universal in
agreeing to super-package reverse-DNS so far, thus the chances of the
guess being right are definitely increased. While not a perfect, it
might just about be good enough.

The second point, what does JPMS do, has yielded various options and
much discussion [3]. If we accept the notion that we are using
super-package reverse-DNS module names, then we can limit the options
on the table to those that produce names of that type. This implies
that the name of an automatic module is derived from the packages in
the jar file.

Since not every jar file has a single super-package, we need a four
step strategy:

1) Use Module-Name in MANIFEST.MF if present. This allows low-tech
projects to override the JPMS strategy. It would be particularly
useful for old branches of active codebases, such as commons-lang v2
or commons-collections v3 where they want to actively publish the
module name rather than leave it implied.

2) For each non-modular jar on the modulepath, consider each
super-package to be a separate module name. Since automatic modules
are open and can see each other, it does not matter if two or more
automatic modules are produced from the same jar file. This handles
most jar files on Maven Central, including odd ones like Colt where
there are multiple super-packages [4].

3) If a module name dependency is still not found, further examine the
non-modular jar files. Consider each and every package name to be a
potential module name (yes, every single package). This handles Colt
where `cern.colt` would be the most sensible module name.

4) If a module name dependency is still not found, further examine the
non-modular jar files. If a non-modular jar file has two or more
packages with the same stem but no code at the level of that shared
stem, treat the stem as a potential module name, provided it does not
clash with any other module name. For example, a jar file that has
`` and `` would have a
shared stem of `` This handles Guava [5]. eg. In
Colt, `cern.jet` would be a module name by these rules.

In other words, a non-modular jar does not have one module name, it
has a number of possible module names, checked in order, for the
purpose of matching the missing module names in the module graph.

As always, the success of the approach to automatic modules will
depend on the ability of module authors to guess the name correctly,
but hopefully they will do OK, particularly if there are some
published rules, or a website suggesting the best option for a given
jar file.

As I started with, the hoops necessary to get automatic modules to
work indicate to me that they are not the right solution to the
gradual migration problem. But if they are to stay, this is my take on
what is needed.



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