Jigsaw and containers

Alan Bateman Alan.Bateman at oracle.com
Thu Aug 31 19:31:29 UTC 2017

On 31/08/2017 19:47, Daniel Latrémolière wrote:
>> Are you using `jlink` to create a run-time image for each 
>> application? (just trying to establish if you are actually running 
>> into an issue or not).
> With jlink per application, all will be working without problems, but 
> each application will have his own copy of JRE and common libraries 
> (big size).
If you are using `jlink` then the resulting run-time image will only 
contain the modules that you specify to the tool and the modules that 
they recursively require. You should find that it's significantly 
smaller that the JDK and JRE downloads.

> With jlink only for jre and common libraries, these parts can be 
> shared between applications. But specific parts of each application 
> will be only in JAR files (and not be modularized).
Modules can be packaged as JAR files too. You can even use most existing 
JAR files are modules. It does forfeit some of the benefits of creating 
your own run-time image but maybe that is the trade off that you are 
looking for.


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